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Distilled Water

Distilled water for use in Eclipse & Enigma Sterilisers only. Supplied in 5L Bottles.
All prices are including V.A.T at the current rate.



Distilled Water

  • HTM2030 / HTM01-05.
  • British Standard BS-EN 13060.
  • 5 Litres.

High quality, high purity bottled water, suitable for a wide use of applications approved for use in autoclaves, steam sterilisers, critical cleaning, industry and science based organisations. Crystal medic is one of the highest specification bottled purified water available with exceptionally low micro organisms, endotoxin and conductivity counts.


Code 289: 1 Litre £3.00, Code 290: 2.5 Litre £7.50, Code 291: 5 Litre £15.00